free soaps? Becoming a greener citizen can be simpler than you think. I've been taking steps to be greener for me, my family, and the environment. You don't have to be rich, or a full blown hippie (unless you want to be, of course). These aren't necessarily new or exciting ideas, but they're worth sharing and worth trying. I'll try to share an idea every couple weeks. Let's see how many we can make work for us and our families.
Here's an idea: Cloth napkins!
One person, using one napkin at 3 meals per day is 1,095 napkins per year! Multiply that by every person in the world you have a bunch of unnecessary waste.
You can buy a set of napkins that match your kitchen or dining room. If you don't want to or can't spend the cash, cut up some old t-shirts and use those. They may not be presentable for company, but most days they'll be just fine. If you're handy with a sewing machine, finish the edges and they'll look as great as they are functional.
Use them as often as possible and it all adds up to less waste.
But! That's more laundry!
Really? Is it that much more? No, it's not.
Extra mile:
You can even keep a few in your purse or one in your pocket for dining out if you really wanna commit. Yes, I've done it. And I'll do it again!
Let me know if you will do this and what way works best for you. Do you miss paper napkins? Have you fully commented to cloth napkins and will never look back?
**I'll share pics of my homemade and store-bought napkins asap.
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